Comfortable and save parking lodges for multi-apartment building in central Berlin
Exclusive parking experience right on the doorstep with TRAFFICO car lifts
Parking spaces are rare, especially in urban areas where space is at a premium. Have you ever tried to find an appropriate parking spot right on the doorstep in the centre of Berlin which also is comfortably to access and offering high protection of possible car damages? No easy task and often a matter of luck.

About the project and building
The project Car Loft in the centre of Berlin addresses all initially introduced challenges of parking in urban areas. In 2007, two TRAFFICO car lifts were installed to exploit exclusive parking lodges on each entry level of the apartments. Residents can comfortably access their parking lodges via car lift and thus prohibit their cars from possible damages.
How the car lifts address the space restrictions in parking & improve parking experience
Space restrictions - The surrounding streets of this project did not provide enough parking spaces to serve all residents of the building. Moreover, the location of the property at a crossroads faced a difficult groundwater situation. Thus, the installation of a large underground garage was not possible. The CarLoft concept offered the possibility of accommodating the required parking spaces from the underground level on the upper levels of the new building. At the same time, the tree population could be preserved, as the resulting inner courtyard did not have to be sealed.
User experience – The car lifts accessing the parking lodges offer more than just a parking space. They are the carrier of your items between the building levels or the access to your personal car maintenance area and e-charging station. Once no car is parked, the valuable space of the parking lodges can be used for other purposes like a ping-pong table, presentation of a birthday buffet or a bobby car race arena.
Facts and figures
Challenges in realising appropriate parking spaces in Berlin
- The lack of space for an appropriate amount of parking spaces was one of the major challenges for this project
- Surrounding streets did not provide enough parking spaces to serve all residents of the building
- Due to a difficult underground water situation, a large underground car park was not feasible for this project
Addressing the challenges of parking in Berlin
- The project owner decided to apply the car loft concept to make an underground car park redundant.
- Two TRAFFICO car lifts were installed to exploit exclusive parking lodges on each entry level of the apartments.
- The installed car lifts provide comfortable and easy access to the respective parking level.
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