SHERPA Goods Lift installed in La Louvriere, Belgium

Last week Lödige Benelux installed a SHERPA goods lift in La Louvriere, Belgium.


Lödige Benelux has renewed the ISO certification

Lödige Benelux has renewed the ISO certification to the latest standards.


Lödige Industries Benelux at the exhibition Expo for Public Space (Dag van de Openbare Ruimte) in Brussels

It is an annual trade fair combined with conferences, which is held from 1. to 2. February 2017.


BAU 2017, Munich (16.-21.01.2017)

Lödige Industries team has the pleasure to exhibit our Car Park Solutions at the BAU 2017 in Munich.

Nordic Cargo hub – Santa’s first delivery

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all our business partners and friends!


Impressions from Materials Handling Saudi Arabia in Jeddah

From November 28th to 29th, Lödige Systems Middle East exhibited at the Materials Handling Saudi Arabiain Jeddah.

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