Lift Solutions - diverse options for transporting goods vertically
Reliable and efficient lift solutions for everyday use
As specialists in lift technology, we develop advanced solutions for conveying goods, cars and passengers in the field of vertical transportation. We are committed to delivering innovative and designed for performance lifts that make a significant impact on our customers’ business.
Lödige standard and bespoke solutions feature a compelling and high level of reliability and can be easily installed in various types of buildings. For years they have been used in industry, trade and logistics, as well as by building operators and public sector bodies. They have proved to be a game-changer for many customers worldwide. We work closely with our customers, architects and consultants to understand their expectations and building requirements perfectly. Meeting their needs has always been our priority. Therefore, we always consider the planned elevator application, space, quality and budget to offer customised lift solutions.
Lift solutions for every application
Dimension your goods lift correctly - in 3 steps
Discover how to plan the most efficient goods lift for your project
What is to be transported? What is the manoeuvring space? What is the weight load? This whitepaper guides you through the essentials of goods lift dimensioning.

Find out more about Lödige Lift Solutions
Lifting Solutions
Brochure -
SHERPA Goods only lift
Product brochure -
Architecture meets Technology
Prepare to be inspired
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